What are Numerators and Denominators?
Before we get too far into the details of what the various parts of a fraction mean, let’s briefly review their anatomy. First, a fraction is made up of two integers—one on the top, and one on the bottom.
The top one is called the numerator, the bottom one is called the denominator, and these two numbers are separated by a line. The line can be horizontal or slanted—they both mean the same thing and simply serve to separate the numerator from the denominator.
How to Pronounce Fractions in English
If you’ve known about fractions for a while, it’s probably been some time since you’ve contemplated the names we use to describe them. But they aren’t exactly obvious, so it’s worth spending a minute or two thinking about them.
Here’s the quick and dirty tip to help you remember how to pronounce them all: The numerator is always spoken first, and you pronounce it exactly as you pronounce the number. For example, in 1/2 the numerator, 1, is just pronounced “one;” or in 45/77 the numerator, 45, is simply pronounced “forty-five.” Easy enough. But denominators are a bit trickier. They use the following convention:
2 is pronounced “half”
3 is pronounced “third”
4 is pronounced “fourth” (or “quarter”)
5 is pronounced “fifth”
6 is pronounced “sixth”
7 is pronounced “seventh”
8 is pronounced “eighth”
9 is pronounced “ninth”
10 is pronounced “tenth,” and so on.
So, for the fraction written 1/2, the denominator, 2, is pronounced “half,” and the entire fraction is therefore “one-half.” A little less obvious: For the fraction 45/77, the denominator, 77, is pronounced “seventy-seventh,” so the entire fraction is “forty-five seventy-sevenths.” An easy way to remember this is that with the exceptions of “half” and “quarter,” the words used to describe the denominator of a fraction are the same used to put things in order—for example, the order in which runners finish a race: “third,” “fourth,” “fifth,” etc.
What Is a Denominator?
Now let’s take a closer look at the different parts of a fraction. First, the bottom part—the denominator. The word “denominator” is derived from the Latin word “nomen,” which means “name” (and also shows up in words like “nominate” and “nomenclature”). And that’s pretty much what the denominator of a fraction does: it “names,” or indicates, the type of fraction that is described by the numerator (the top part).
What Does the Denominator Tell You?
Here’s what I mean. The denominator of a fraction tells you how many parts a whole is broken into. It can be a whole pineapple, a whole song, or a whole anything. If the denominator of a fraction is, say, 4, then that indicates that the whole whatever is broken up into 4 equally-sized pieces.
if the denominator is 12, that means the whole whatever is broken-up
into 12 equally-sized pieces. But how exactly does that “name” the type
of fraction? Well, that leads us to the meaning of the numerator…
What Is a Numerator and What Does It Tell You?
A fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator represents a number that is greater-than one.
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