Often money is written as a decimal with ringgit to the left of the decimal point and sen to the right of the decimal point. Twenty-three ringgit and eighty-seven cents is written RM23.87.
Decimal money amounts are added or subtracted the same way that decimals are added or subtracted. Remember to put the RM sign before the answer.
Adding and subtracting Decimals is just like adding or subtracting other numbers.
Always line up the decimal points when adding or subtracting decimals.
Remember to put the decimal point in the proper place in your answer.
* When adding or subtracting money, always remember that we must convert all money amount to the same type first.
Example 1:
[ RM5 + 65 sen + RM8.45 ]
RM5 = RM5.0065 sen = RM0.65
RM8.45 = still the same
Answer : RM 5.00
RM 0.65
+RM 8.45
Example 2:
[ RM7.80 - 95 sen - RM3 ]
RM7.80 = RM7.8095 sen = RM0.95
RM3 = RM3.00
Answer : RM 7.80 RM 6.85
- RM 0.95 - RM 3.00
RM 6.85 RM 3.85
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